Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov suggests starting to reform the state apparatus “like Elon Musk Twitter”, hinting at mass layoffs. In his Telegram channel, the official wrote that it is worth saying goodbye to every fourth civil servant, as well as saying goodbye to those who cannot find a solution (probably referring to some specific problem) during the week.
“The state apparatus needs to be reformed, like Elon Musk does with Twitter. Every 4th ✋, within a week I did not find a solution – ✋” writes Fedorov.
Following the example of drastic actions of Elon Mask, who after buying the Twitter company immediately fired almost all its leaders, gave ultimatums to employees, threatening dismissal, and also plans to cut 25% of the social network’s employees in just the first round of cuts can be called a rather strange choice for an official. After all, the state apparatus, unlike a private company, cannot be drastically reduced without violating the current legislation.
Maybe later Mykhailo Fedorov will develop his opinion about this reform, and maybe by then it will become clear whether it is really necessary to reform the state apparatus “like Elon Musk does with Twitter”.
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