Cruise recalls 950 self-driving cars in the US after a pedestrian accident. It is likely that the company will not stop there and will recall a certain number of cars, writes Reuters.

The decision is linked to questions about the Cruise autonomous driving system, which may not react properly after road accidents.

Last month in California, a Cruise self-driving taxi ran over a pedestrian who had been hit by a human-driven car beforehand. The accident happened on October 2 and a woman was injured. According to video footage, the car and driver fled the scene after the accident. Robotaxi also ran over a woman who was lying on the road.

Subsequently, regulators suspended Cruise’s operations in California. However, Cruise voluntarily suspended the operation of self-driving taxis not only in this state but throughout the United States.

After that, it became known that Cruise suspends production of a special autonomous vehicle without a steering wheel and pedals called Origin.