The Facebook social network has more than 3 billion monthly active users. This is evidenced by the data of Meta’s quarterly report, reports TechCrunch.

The staggering number proves that the platform is far from dead, despite the decline in popularity among young people. The daily number of active Facebook users continues to grow. In the II quarter of this year, the indicator reached 2.064 billion users.

Part of the growth can be attributed to Reels. This feature is actively promoted by Meta on Instagram and Facebook. According to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Reels collects 200 billion views per day across the entire family of apps.

By the way, Meta plans to allow EU residents to download apps through Facebook advertising, which will eventually allow the company to compete with the Google and Apple app stores. The new ad type is set to launch as a pilot project with several Android app developers later this year.

Meta sees an opportunity to try this thanks to a new EU regulation called the Digital Markets Act (DMA).