Tesla faces fines if it does not hand over Autopilot data to the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). This is reported by The Register.
The agency made the corresponding request in a letter dated July 3. In case of non-fulfillment, Elon Musk’s company faces fines and penalties, which can amount to about $132 million in total.
This does not mean that Tesla shied away from providing the data requested by US traffic regulators. The investigative documents show that Tesla has already passed on the information several times. NHTSA said warning of fines is a standard part of such letters, regardless of which manufacturer receives them.
Among the data that NHTSA is requesting is complete information on approximately 830,000 cars, vehicles that appear in the investigation.
NHTSA wants to know the versions and dates of software, firmware, and hardware updates for every Tesla vehicle that comes under its investigation. The administration is also interested in whether a camera is installed in the interior and when the car was admitted to the beta version of fully autonomous driving.
NHTSA wants all the information by July 19, just two weeks after the letter was sent.
We remind you that the NHTSA’s investigation into Autopilot began in 2021 after a series of accidents in which self-driving Teslas allegedly crashed into cars parked on the sides of freeways.
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