Search teams are trying to find the tourist submersible Titan, which went missing after a dive to the Titanic’s wreck last Sunday. This was reported by BBC.

Five people were on board when contact with it was lost an hour and 45 minutes after the dive. The rescue operation in the Atlantic has not yet yielded any results.

British businessman Hamish Harding is among the passengers of the boat. This is a famous researcher who made three flights into space and holds three Guinness world records. Also on board are father and son Shahzada and Suleman Dawood, who are British citizens. In addition, French researcher Paul-Henry Nargeolet may be among the crew members. The ship’s pilot is the executive director of the company OceanGate Stockton Rush, which organized the dive.

Rescuers are looking for the tourist submersible Titan, which disappeared near the sunken Titanic

As of midday Monday, the US Coast Guard reported that the crew members had at least four days of oxygen left.

US and Canadian agencies, navies, and commercial deep-sea companies are assisting the rescue operation using military aircraft, a submarine, and sonar buoys.

The missing vessel is the Titan submersible. It weighs 23,000 pounds (10,432 kg) and, according to the website, can submerge to a depth of 13,123 feet (almost 4,000 meters).

Rescuers are looking for the tourist submersible Titan, which disappeared near the sunken Titanic

Diving to the wreck of the Titanic is part of an eight-day trip, tickets for which cost $250,000. The boat departs from St. John’s in Newfoundland, and each full dive to the wreck, including descent and ascent, takes about eight hours.

Rescuers are looking for the tourist submersible Titan, which disappeared near the sunken Titanic

The wreck of the Titanic is known to lie about 435 miles (700 km) south of St. John’s, Newfoundland. The Titanic sank in 1912. It ran into an iceberg and started taking in water. The liner remained undiscovered at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean until the fall of 1985.