The collectible card roguelike Sketch Crawler has appeared in Steam Early Access, the author of which is Oleksii Sytianov, former screenwriter of S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl.
Oleksii Sytianov put his hands on many Ukrainian games, among which such famous as Cossacks: Back to War (2002), S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (2007), Cradle (2015) and Metro: Exodus (2019).
Sketch Crawler is developed by Oleksii’s own studio Koan Games, and Sketch Crawler itself is a kind of offshoot and rethinking of the drawn action/RPG Sketch Tales, which Oleksii worked on in 2015 and which, due to lack of funds for completion, was forced to freeze.
The main feature of Sketch Crawler is the ability to redraw any object in the game. Creatures, spells, maps, walls, furniture and decorations. The player’s drawings will be saved and used in the next generation of the Sketch Crawler world.
Also, a lot of things in the world of Sketch Crawler depend on the color you draw with. By adding a new color to the creature, the player can give it new abilities and powers, and you can significantly strengthen the magic spell of the corresponding color.
Dungeons and enemies are generated procedurally with each pass, and as in any roguelike, the player has to die many times.
Sketch Crawler is an experimental game that anyone can participate in, because everything you draw can be used in the game. In addition, Sketch Crawler is a free-to-play game that will earn money through microtransactions, so anyone can try it.
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