One ​​of Sydney’s secondary schools has restricted the use of gadgets. When entering the educational institution, students must put their smartphones in a bag with a magnetic lock, which can only be opened with a special device. After two months, the management noticed a significant reduction in behavior problems, an increase in physical activity and the children began to communicate more with each other, writes The Sydney Morning Herald.

“Classrooms have effectively become phone-free and this has allowed staff to focus on educating students. Finally, in eight weeks of the policy, there has been a 90 per cent reduction in behavioural issues related to phones in the school,” the school said in a statement.

The restriction applied to students of grades 7-10. They may bring smartphones for safety and communication purposes, but may not use them during the school day. At the same time, teachers have a device for unlocking bags. This allows them to use phones as a learning tool during a specific lesson.

Parents mostly supported the decision of the school administration. Children took it controversially but eventually got used to spending time without smartphones. Some students don’t bring their phone to school anymore – whatever’s on it can wait until they get home.

The principal of the school notes that gadgets prevent students from learning and concentrating in the classroom, and inhibit their emotional and social intelligence. The use of smartphones also directly contributed to conflicts between students. Now they talk to each other more during breaks.

“In the playground, we no longer have students sitting against walls on phones playing online games,” says the principal.