It’s hard to believe, but Internet Explorer was still considered “alive”. The first release of IE took place 27 years ago, in 1995, the peak of Microsoft’s popularity in the first half of the 2000s (when its share was an incredible 95%) after which it gradually began to give up and give way to many alternatives.
Development of new features for Internet Explorer was stopped in 2016, a year after the launch of a new browser Microsoft Edge. However, support for IE continued until recently, but it did not last long according to the announcement, Microsoft will finally close Internet Explorer on June 15.
Microsoft Edge Development Manager Sean Lyndersay notes that the new Microsoft browser is faster, more secure and more modern, so it has a future, and Edge has built-in IE mode you can use.
By the way, according to statistics from Google Analytics, in June Mezha.Media was visited by 21 Internet Explorer users, so we encourage them to finally think about “moving” to another browser.
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