Today, Blizzard announced the ninth expansion to its MMORPG World of Warcraft Dragonflight.
The dragons return to Azeroth, and the players find themselves together with them in their homeland – the Dragon Isles. Five sites will be available for the study, each dedicated to one of the Aspects of the Dragons, the leaders of the five clans.
Dragonflight will also add a new race of Dracthyr, more precisely, a race/class combination, because Dracthyr can only belong to one class – also new to the game, Evoker. They have two specializations to choose from – a healer or a long-range fighter. Like dragons, Dracthyr will have two forms – humanoid and dragon, between which you can switch freely (so far it sounds very similar to the worgens from Cataclysm).
In addition, Dragonflight will have a new type of flight – riding on dragons, which will differ from the usual additional capabilities in the control of the mount. Also in the new expansion, they promise to redesign the systems of talents and professions, update the interface and raise the maximum level of the character to 70.
Release date is currently unknown, anyone can sign up for the beta . In addition, during today’s presentation, Blizzard announced the release of the Wrath of the Lich King add-on for the classic version of the game – World of Warcraft Classic. It should happen later this year, but it is unknown when.
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