Soon after the release of Windows 10, Microsoft has published figures on how the system is perceived by Windows 7 and Windows users 8. As for Windows 11 no such information was received. However the research by Steam Hardware & Software allows you to compare data on how the users accepted the last two operating systems.
Windows 11 released in October 2021, and Windows 10 went out in July 2015. In both cases, researchers compared data use of 64-bit versions of the OS with their predecessors in 7 months.
You can see that Steam users switch to Windows 11 twice slower than before to Windows 10. Six months after release, 31% of computers worked on Windows 10. In March 2022 only about 17% of computers work on Windows 11. Three-fourths of all Steam computers are still working onWindows 10 in 2022.
These results are easy to interpret as an accusation of Windows 11 that caused controversy due to strict and often poorly explained system requirements relating to security. At least partially slow transition to a new version of OS is caused by system requirements. Many computers are unable to set it, for example, because of older processors that are not supported.
There are other explanations. Windows 8 and 8.1 were not popular, while Windows 10 has fixed most changes in the Windows 8 interface. And people who remained on Windows 7 have lost some pleasant additions and improvements that were in Windows 8.
Instead, Windows 11 has replaced the modern OS that no one complained about. In September 2021, more than 90% of all Steam computers worked on Windows 10.
It also matters that Microsoft did not try to create a surge of the transition to Windows 11. After certain instability with early Upgrading Windows 10 Microsoft began to release them more methodically. Meanwhile, the main update of Windows 11 was released only in February when any PC that meets the requirements could get Windows 11 through Windows Update.
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