Funselektor Labs, the developer of the arcade rally car simulator art of rally, has announced its new project. It is over the hill, a new car sim with a very similar theme, this time an off-road simulator.

Like art of rally, over the hill has its own recognizable visual style, which is very unusual for this genre. It is deliberately simplified graphics with saturated colors and a warm palette – in the words of the developer, “a minimalist view of nature”.

The developer promises “the golden era of rally”, with iconic cars from the 60s and 80s and exploration of the vast expanses of wilderness alone or with friends. The player will look for portals to travel to other zones and complete tasks to unlock new cars, upgrades, and various settings.

In honor of the announcement, the studio has released the first trailer, but there is no release date for Over the Hill yet. The game already has a page on Steam, where it can be added to your Favorites.