Apple, Google, and Samsung have taken a significant step to simplify the compatibility of smart home devices by agreeing to recognize Matter certification as part of their Works With programs. This streamlines the process for manufacturers and may reduce confusion among consumers.

This was announced by the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA), the organization developing the Matter standard. From now on, manufacturers won’t need to undergo separate certification procedures for each platform. If a device is Matter-certified, it automatically meets the requirements to receive Works With Apple Home, Works With Google Home, and Works With SmartThings certifications.

“The Alliance is pleased to announce that Apple has started accepting the Matter device test results from the Alliance Interop Lab for Works With Apple Home certification. Google and Samsung will also recognize these results for their Works With Google Home and Works With SmartThings certification programs later this year,” stated the CSA.

This is expected to reduce fragmentation in the smart home device space, where consumers currently have to check several compatibility labels, such as Works with Apple Home or Works with Google, to ensure the device will work with their platform. Matter was designed to address this issue by providing a universal standard that works across all major platforms. However, the new labeling system has added another layer of confusion.

With Apple, Google, and Samsung now recognizing Matter certification, manufacturers no longer have to test their devices separately for each platform. This simplifies the development process and reduces costs for manufacturers, bringing the industry closer to a single universal label for smart home device compatibility.

However, Amazon has yet to announce its recognition of Matter certification for its Works with Alexa program.