Microsoft is best known for its Windows operating system, which holds the lion’s share of the home PC market. However, in 2008, the company began developing an entirely new OS, known as Midori, which was supposed to replace Windows. This was reported by Laptop.
Work on the operating system began after Microsoft wanted to take full advantage of the Internet. Midori was supposed to separate software from hardware and become a fully cloud-based system.
The project was so ambitious that the company created a new programming language, M#, an extension of C# and Sing#, to improve performance and security.
In 2013, after 5 years of research, the concept of the new operating system was transferred to the Unified Operating System division for further development.
However, the system was not released, as the project was canceled in 2015, and it was decided to use Midori’s developments in the development of future projects.
There are also videos of a presentation by Joe Duffy, now CEO of Plumi and at the time the Midori project manager. In a number of videos, he talks about what the system should have been like. He also talked more about the project on his personal blog.
so its weekend again! today let's hear a young @funcOfJoe from 2013 talk about The Midori Operating System !
1, Project Overview— WalkingCat (@_h0x0d_) August 3, 2024
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