Many Ukrainian players subscribe to Steam curators who label games created by Russian developers or published by Russian companies. We’re talking about curators like Beware of Russian Games, Sich – ukrainian spirit, USF, and others. If you haven’t subscribed yet, do so now.

ЯAs it turned out, the Russians, who can’t help but steal, stole this idea as well and created their own curator “Be on the lookout for Russophobia!”, which marks “Russophobic games,” that is, games whose developers “hold anti-Soviet views,” “support Russophobia,” “distort historical facts,” “belittle the significance of the feat and sacrifices of Soviet people,” transfer money to support Ukraine and the Armed Forces, remove the Russian language, raise prices in Russia, block Russian IP addresses, and so on. In my opinion, this is a ready-made list of games and developers that have a clear anti-Russian stance and are worth supporting.

Interestingly, the games include not only Western and Ukrainian projects, but also some Russian ones, such as INDIKA, which donated a portion of its proceeds to the Okhmatdyt Foundation.

There are not many games on the curator’s list of “Be vigilant – Russophobia!” yet, but we hope the authors will continue to fill this useful list. Because our Russophobia is still insufficient, and Russophobic games are another way to support it.