Recently, we wrote about the Banana clicker, which allows you to “hack Steam for endless money”. As it turned out, this is a Russian game, and Steam is currently experiencing a real flood of similar trash games.

Banana, which, by the way, is currently being played by more than 800 thousand Steam users, which is literally the 2nd place in the service’s rating, received a review from the curator of “Beware, Russian Games” – “THIS IS A RUSSIAN GAME. By playing it, you support the enemies of our country.”Egg items appeared on Steam, from a developer with the telling name KolbasinoGames, which has a review from a USF curator – “THIS GAME IS FROM A RUSSIAN PUBLISHER OR CITIZENS OF HOSTILE STATES TO UKRAINE! By playing this game, you support and promote the project, the money from which is sent to Russia and its allied countries.”. About 40 thousand users are currently playing Egg.

In the wake of Banana’s success, almost similar Banana & Cucumber appeared, which already has almost 8 thousand players. Judging by the fact that the developers hide behind nicknames, they are also Russians.

Cats by 100 Cozy Games, which also carefully hides its origin and actively uses AI in its games, has 56 thousand players. Flag Clicker has 700 players, but the game was released just the day before yesterday. I suspect that there will be even more games like this.

Such trashy clickers do not violate Steam rules and do allow you to “earn” some money, but due to the time spent on literally nothing. The main beneficiaries of these games are developers who receive a percentage of the sale of items, and in most cases these are Russians. So pay attention to what you are “playing”.