WhatsApp Messenger, owned by Meta, launches WhatsApp Channels. This is a one-way messaging tool, reports AIN.UA.
Channels can be used by people, organizations and businesses. Admins will be able to send text, videos, photos, stickers or polls. At the same time, they will not be able to add subscribers to their channel.
WhatsApp Channels will be placed in a new “Updates” tab – that is, separately from user chats. Messages in channels that can be found in the directory will be stored for 30 days.
WhatsApp is now rolling out the new tool in nine countries. It is noteworthy that Ukraine became one of them.
We will remind that in the spring Meta announced an update of WhatsApp Desktop for Windows, which included higher speed and improved call functions. The update provided, in particular, a faster loading time of the application and smoother animation of the interface.
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