Chrome on mobile devices gets new features

Chrome on mobile devices has received a new set of features aimed at improving the user experience in search.

The first innovation is action buttons in search. When searching for a restaurant, users will be offered a quick option to call, get directions on the map, or read reviews. The feature is already available on Android, and will be launched on iOS in the fall.

Chrome for tablets also received an update with a new address bar. This update is designed to make better use of the larger tablet display sizes and to match Google’s Material You design. When using the address bar, the website will always be displayed below the drop-down menu in case users want to return to it.

New shortlist suggestions have also been added. This new feature will bring more personalization to the SERPs and suggest websites based on what users typically search for.

For example, if a search query often included the word “timetable” and led to a website for the city’s subway schedule, that site will be displayed higher every time the word “timetable” is used in the query.

Also, Google Search on Chrome for iOS will display trending searches that appear under what users have recently searched for. The latest innovation is the new sports cards in Discover Feed, which will allow users to better track their favorite teams or teams they have been interested in in the past.