Intel shows new generations of processors for servers and artificial intelligence

Intel is launching a new generation of Xeon server processors to take back the data center market share from AMD. The company also showed Gaudi 3 – new accelerators for artificial intelligence that will be much cheaper than competitors’ offers. This was reported by Reuters.

According to Mercury Research, last year Intel’s share of x86 chip sales to data centers fell by 5.6% to 76.4%, while AMD’s share increased to 23.6%. With the release of the sixth generation of Xeon chips, the company plans to regain the lost share.

Xeon 6 server processors will have two variations. One of them will be larger and more powerful, and the other will be more efficient, delivering the same performance as previous generations but consuming less power. The more efficient chip model will be available soon, but the larger Xeon 6 model will be available in the third quarter.

Intel also told a bit more about the new Gaudi 3 accelerators. The company will sell a set of 8 AI chips for $125 thousand, and the previous generation, Gaudi 2, for $65 thousand. Competitors’ offers are much more expensive. A set of 8 H100 chips from NVIDIA will cost consumers more than $300 thousand.

Intel also notes that its chips will be faster than competitors’ offerings. As Bloobmerg reports, the company claims that its accelerators can offer up to 40% faster AI model training times than the H100, and that Gaudi 3 will be twice as fast as the H100 at performing AI tasks.

In addition, at Computex, the company also introduced new Lunar Lake chips for AI laptops.