LG has developed an AI robot that can take care of pets

LG has developed and is preparing to launch a compact robot with artificial intelligence. The cost of the development is not yet known, but it will soon debut at CES in Las Vegas, writes Engadget.

The robot will be able to perform various functions. For example, it will notify you of an air conditioner that you forgot to turn off, and even take care of your pet.

Like other smart assistants, LG’s AI robot will inform owners about the weather and remind them to take their medication on time. It is powered by the Qualcomm Robotics RB5 platform and is able to recognize faces and voices, as well as assess the emotions of others and engage in conversation with them.

According to LG, the bot will be able to greet the owner at the door, analyze their emotions, and play music to cheer them up. It is equipped with a camera, speaker, and various sensors that enable it to navigate, talk, and listen.

By the way, Amazon recently introduced a new version of the Astro robot, which is aimed at businesses and costs $2350. The new model is designed to work as a mobile security guard. The device is capable of patrolling 5000 square feet (465 square meters).

P.S. One of the android models in the game Detroit: Become Human was also designed to take care of pets.