Beeper Mini, an application that allows you to communicate via iMessage on Android, is back online

On Friday, Apple managed to get Beeper Mini, an Android app for communicating via iMessage, blocked, but today the app is back up and running, albeit with some restrictions.

According to The Verge, users will no longer be able to access iMessage using a mobile number, instead they are offered to use an Apple ID. This means that users will not be able to send messages to or from a phone number, but will instead use e-mail.

The company said it is now working to restore the previous functionality.

In addition, another change with the return of the app to Google Play is the fact that it can now be used completely free of charge. Previously, it required a monthly subscription that cost $2. Company representatives said that they were uncomfortable demanding money for the service while its fate remains unclear.

Beeper representatives also commented on Apple’s claim that their app could pose potential security risks to users. The company denies such accusations and is even ready to share the full code for verification.