Modern cars can collect information about drivers’ health, weight and personal life, – Mozilla

Modern cars can collect confidential information about drivers. This is evidenced by the Privacy Not Included project, prepared by the international non-profit organization Mozilla, writes Gizmodo.

We are talking about cars that have been released in the past few years. The organization’s experts concluded that automotive brands do not comply with basic privacy and security standards in new models that are connected to the Internet. All 25 brands that the organization studied failed the corresponding Mozilla test.

“Many people think of their car as a private space — somewhere to call your doctor, have a personal conversation with your kid on the way to school, cry your eyes out over a break-up, or drive places you might not want the world to know about,” said Jen Caltrider, program direction of the *Privacy Not Included project, in a press release. “But that perception no longer matches reality. All new cars today are privacy nightmares on wheels that collect huge amounts of personal information.”

Data can be collected using a variety of tools, including microphones, cameras, and phones that are connected to cars. Manufacturers also collect data through their apps and website and may then sell or share it with third parties.

According to Mozilla, Nissan was the worst offender. The automaker’s privacy policy stipulates that it collects information about sexual activity and health data, among other things. Kia can also monitor the driver’s sexual life.

Volkswagen collects data on driving behavior, such as seatbelt use and braking. BMW, Ford, Toyota, Tesla, and Subaru collect information on race, facial expression, weight, health, and where drivers drive.