Apple Vision Pro will receive apps for iPhone and iPad by default

One of the most important components of the new Apple Vision Pro mixed reality headset is software. The company paid attention to this from the very beginning, so with the updated branded App Store, support for iPhone and iPad apps will also be available in Apple Vision Pro.

This week, the company announced that with the next visionOS beta, developers will have access to the new App Store. Yes, the headset will immediately support almost all iPhone and iPad applications, but developers will still be able to further optimize their own developments for the headset if necessary.

“By default, your iPad and/or iPhone apps will be published automatically on the App Store on Apple Vision Pro. Most frameworks available in iPadOS and iOS are also included in visionOS, which means nearly all iPad and iPhone apps can run on visionOS, unmodified,” the company notes.

At the same time, back in the summer, developers received tools for developing applications for visionOS. If necessary, Apple also accepts applications for Vision Pro test units, which developers can use to better adapt their software before the headset’s official release early next year.