Patron the Dog cartoon will be released on YouTube and Megogo

An animated series was filmed about the heroic dog Patron and will premiere on January 7, 2023, on Patron’s channel on YouTube, as well as on Megogo service.

“The cartoon is about me and Tom, and also about very important animals that impressed us with their courage during these 10 months. It’s so adventurous that I’m like, “Woooo!”. There I am chasing very strange creatures … but I will not reveal all the secrets yet,” wrote Patron’s official Instagram account.

The music for the series “Patron The Dog” was written by Pianoboy, and the roles were voiced by Vasya Baidak, Vlad Shevchenko, Dasha Astafieva, Taras Stadnytskyi, Nadia Dorofeeva, Pozitiv and others. The animated film was created by the Plastic Bag studio, and the director of the series was Anastasiia Falileeva.