The electric car Tesla Model 3 is getting an update: a new steering wheel and a simplified interior

It looks like the popular Tesla Model 3 electric car is due for an update in 2023. This is reported by several sources at once. For Tesla, the Model 3 electric sedan is very important, because it is a real bestseller. Therefore, it is necessary to meet the times and compete with the latest electric models, which have been released in recent years. Or to earn more!

Perhaps the updated electric car Tesla Model 3 should solve both problems at once. The main update concerns the interior of the Tesla Model 3: it can be simplified and improved at the same time (first photo), like the Tesla Model S update scenario (second photo).

First, the appearance of a steering wheel in the form of a helm is expected, which will give a more futuristic design to the entire interior. Secondly, the central touch display — the most visible element of the interior — may change. Thirdly, the number of used components in the cabin should be reduced. For example, switches under the steering wheel may disappear, which will simplify the design and reduce the production cost of the Tesla Model 3 electric car. Small technical updates are also possible, which will allow to increase the distance of autonomous mileage.

In this way, Tesla will achieve its dual goal with just one update — making the electric car more modern in the eyes of customers and reducing its cost to increase potential profits for itself.