DronesVision Revolver 860: a bomber drone that was NOT provided to Ukraine (but this is not certain)
A few days ago, information appeared on many Ukrainian media resources that the Taiwanese company DronesVision provides the Armed Forces with as many as 800 (!) combat drones DronesVision Revolver 860. Unfortunately, this is not true and the company DronesVision refutes these rumors on its website.
“There are various false misinformation regarding to our products have been donated to Ukraine which cause some misunderstandings and concerns to our clients. DronesVision, Inc. hereby to clarify that DronesVision has never donated any products to any governments, military agencies or non-profit organizations. Further, DronesVision is a private owned entity which has no governmental investments nor affiliations to the state facilities in any forms. In addition, all the business activities mentioned above has signed non-disclosure agreement with our clients, therefore, DronesVision hasn’t and will not disclose any information regarding to our client names and related business details,” says the DronesVision message.
On the one hand, it seems that DronesVision unequivocally denies the fact of the transfer of drones to Ukraine. Another reference to an NDA can be taken as a denial of disclosure. And in this case, the first part may mean that the drones were not given for free, but sold to the government of Ukraine or some third country.
Actually, the DronesVision Revolver 860 are very interesting UAVs, and we would love to see the results of their work on the front. In some ways, these drones are similar to the homemade Ukrainian conversion of civilian drones that drop grenades and light mines on the heads of the ruscists, for example, R18 octocopter from Aerorozvidka. But the Revolver 860, as the name suggests, has a drum mechanism for dropping 8 60 mm mortar mines at once, which greatly improves its effectiveness and allows the UAV to be used as a kind of ultra-light bomber. The rate at which all ammo is dropped can be seen in the video below.
The manufacturer claims that the Revolver 860 can be modified for other, more powerful calibers – 81 and 120 mm.
Well, despite the strict response of DronesVision, let’s hope that our volunteers will pay attention to the Revolver 860 model, or one of the Ukrainian designers will be able to equip another civilian drone with a similar revolver drum. Ukrainians are very resourceful :).
Total weight – 42 kg (with 8 mines of 60-mm caliber)
Dimensions – 1355 mm
Flight time – up to 40 minutes
Flight range – 20 km