China builds a monitoring and protection system for asteroids – it will be tested in 2025
China plans the system to track the asteroids and protect the Earth from them. The technical experiment with the system is intended not earlier than 2025 – then the threatening asteroid will be closely tracked and attacked to change its orbit. This was reported by Yanhua, Deputy Head of Chinese National Space Management (CNSA), on Sunday.
According to the experts, the Chinese protection system can be an important contribution to overcoming the threat from asteroids and another practical solution that China offers for a common future for humanity.
Ground and space monitoring and prevention of asteroids will be used to describe and analyze asteroids that threaten humanity in space. Subsequently, technologies and engineering tools will be developed to protect against threats.
According to Yanhua, CNSA is now developing software to simulate the possible influence of Earth asteroids and is working out the protection process to overcome a common threat. The US and Russia also build their own asteroid monitoring systems – and the Chinese system can be an important complement to them.